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International Buddhist Conference held in Bangkok
Vietnam News Agency [30/05/2007]
Bangkok (VNA) – Monks and Nuns from 61 countries worldwide are participating in the 4th International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak in Bangkok.

This is the third year Thailand has hosted United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations, which coincides with the 80th birthday of Thai Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

At the conference, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont urged the Thai people to learn and live as Buddha’s teachings of Dharma, saying this will help society succeed according to the principles of good governance and development in today’s world.

The event will last until May 31. Thailand is organising the Buddhist week from May 26-31 .-Enditem

Source : http://www.vnanet.vn/Home/EN/tabid/119/itemid/197712/Default.aspx
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