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Vesakday at Vietnam
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  Phra Dharmakosajarn participates in the ceremony of the UNDV 2008 held in Vietnam
Ven. PhramahaSrithon Sukkhes, Director of Information Technology Division[17/05/2008]

          On May 14, 2008, the Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dharmakosajarn, Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and a group of 46 members from the University participate in the ceremony of the UNDV, the internationally important day of the United Nations Organization at National Convention Center in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Phra Dharmakosajarn delivered a speech on Buddhism and peace at the grand meeting attended by more than 3,000 people and there was a live broadcasting of the speech from the television station of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 

           The arrangement of the grand ceremony of Visakhapuja between 14 – 19 May 2008 of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam becomes the host, is to recall the three main events – the Buddha’s birth, his enlightenment and his passing away, which fall on Visakhapuja Day.